The Gabi Master A

The Gabi Master A

The Gabi Master A Brewer is our new favorite way to brew our morning (and afternoon) cup of joe.

Why we like it: It one of the easiest and low cost ways to brew a single cup of coffee. A great cup of coffee guaranteed with minimal brain power required? Yes please!

Why you might like it: You enjoy great coffee and you have little time to deal with nonsense. Whether you’re brewing a cup to take on the road or to enjoy at home, the Gabi is a no nonsense simple brewer that allows you to brew the perfect cup, every day. It’s easier to use than your standard pourover due to the construction of the water bottle and spout, and better tasting than a drip coffee maker. Win win.

So how do you use this lil guy?

We do recommend weighing and grinding your beans. Prior to becoming coffee roasters, it took us a long time to jump on board the whole bean train, but now we won’t get off unless we’re pushed. Weighing your coffee beans allows you to get the proper bean to water ratio to optimize your cup of coffee. Purchasing and storing your beans whole keeps them fresh longer, resulting in better tasting coffee.

Ok, we’re putting the soapbox away.

We’re going to walk you through 2 ways to brew the Gabi Master A Brewer the way we like it - Coffee Gangsta style or Coffee OG:

Coffee Gangsta: You want to maximize your flavor, and you grind and weigh your beans.

Equipment required: Gabi Master A Brewer + filter, a scale, a grinder, and a kettle or stovetop pan.

Coffee OG: You have been drinking coffee since before you were born, and like to kick it old school. You don’t have the time or patience to grind and weigh your coffee. You probably received this new fangled contraption as a gift.

Equipment required: Gabi Master A Brewer + filter and a kettle or stovetop pan

Coffee Gangsta Method:

Coffee weight (weight of whole beans): 20g

Grind size: we use a medium fine grind, about midway between espresso and drip setting. However, this setting will vary depending on your grinder, and you may need to trial and error to get the flavor you want. A good indicator that you are zeroing in on the proper grind size is your total brew time with the Gabi is approximately 4:00 minutes.

Water weight: 300g

Water temp: 205 degrees farenheight. If you don’t have a kettle in which you can set a temp, you can bring water to a boil, remove from heat and wait 1 minute off boil - that’ll get you to about 205.

Brew time: approximately 4:00 minutes

Step-by-step process:

Step 1: Start heating your water to 205 degrees (or to boil if you don’t have temperature setting)

Step 2: Weigh and grind your beans. Place your paper filter in the Dripper.

Step 3 (optional): Prime your filter, dripper and mug by pouring some hot water over it. Priming the filter helps reduce any potential papery taste in your brew. Priming the mug reduces the cool down of your coffee when it hits the mug. Discard the water you used to prime.

Step 4: Place your mug on the scale and the dripper (+ multi if needed) on the mug. Pour your coffee grounds into the filter. Place the water bottle and water spout on top of the dripper. Tare so the weight reading is 0.

Step 5: Once water is at 205 degrees farenheight (or 1 minute off boil), start timer and start pouring water into the water bottle until the water bottle is filled. Watch the magic. Once the water bottle has emptied, pour water in again until the reading on the scale reads 300g.

Step 6: Wait about 20 seconds after the water has emptied from the water spout to ensure it has seeped through the grounds below. Remove the water bottle/water spout and look at grounds to ensure that water has completely gone through. Remove dripper and multi, and enjoy your delicious coffee!

Coffee OG Method:

Coffee: 4 tbsp coffee grounds

Step-by-step process:

Step 1: Start heating your water to a boil.

Step 2: Place your paper filter in the dripper. Optional - Prime your filter, dripper and mug by pouring some hot water over it. Priming the filter helps reduce any potential papery taste in your brew. Priming the mug reduces the cool down of your coffee when it hits the mug. Discard the water you used to prime.

Step 3: Place the dripper (+ multi if needed) on your mug. Pour your coffee grounds into the filter. Place the water bottle and water spout on top of the dripper.

Step 5: Once water has reached boil, remove from heat and wait about 1 minute. After 1 minute, start a new timer and start pouring water into the water bottle until the water bottle is filled. Watch the magic. Once the water bottle has emptied, fill the water bottle one more time.

Step 6: Wait about 20 seconds after the water has emptied from the water spout to ensure it has seeped through the grounds below. Remove the water bottle/water spout and look at grounds to ensure that water has completely gone through. Remove dripper and multi, and enjoy your delicious coffee!


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