Beat the Heat With Cold Brew

Enjoy Beans of Glory Coffee on a hot summer day with refreshing cold brew! Here is an easy squeezy way to make cold brew at home - no fancy equipment needed!

1. Pour 90g (18 tbsp) coarse ground coffee into a glass container (set to course grind on your grinder, or order Cold Brew grind).

2. Pour 720g (24 oz) filtered water over the grounds.

3. Stir to fully wet the coffee grounds.

4. Cover and let sit at room temperature for 12-18 hours (longer = stronger). If you want to brew it in the fridge, let it sit for 24 hours, as the steeping process slows down in colder temps.

5. Pour the cold brew through a strainer into a drinking glass filled with ice. Discard coffee grounds.

6. Dilute with cold filtered water to taste.

7. Store strained cold brew in another container in the fridge if not drinking immediately. Lasts up to 7 days in fridge.

Note: a French Press works perfectly for cold brew! Simply follow the steps above, leaving the plunger up during brewing and pressing down when finished.

ALL Beans of Glory Coffee tastes GREAT as cold brew! If you love our Roasty McRoastface Cold Brew cans, we recommend Welcome to the Dark Roast. It also tastes great with milk/creamer!


How to make your coffee taste better - 2 easy ways